
EXCELIA City: Nouvelle Aquitaine, La Rochelle / Ile-de-France, Paris / Centre-Val de Loire, Tours, Orléans


Bachelor in Tourism & Hospitality Management
This program offers you the opportunity to personalize your study path, to enjoy international experiences and to develop your professional skills, for a more sustainable and socially responsible tourism. You will gain a comprehensive overview of the sector through the wide variety of possible professions available, enabling you to refine your personal project throughout this customized programme.

Master Grande Ecole (BAC + 5)
The aim of the Master in Management (MiM) (Master Grande École), Excelia Business School's landmark programme, is to encourage the development of knowledge and skills, training students to become responsible managers*, capable of operating in complex and constantly changing environments. The variety of our study tracks and the diversity of the experiences on offer, together with our intimate teaching approach, will offer you the opportunity to explore the world of tomorrow... whilst at the same time encouraging the development of your talents.

*Responsible managers: combining economic rationale, social responsibility and environmental responsibility in an ethical manner.


Excelia is one of the leading French Higher Education groups. With a strong international dimension, it comprises a business school, a tourism school, a digital communication school and an institute of Language and International relations (IEF) . It currently educates some 6,000 students on its 4 campuses and boasts an alumni network of 43,500 graduates. The Excelia group holds the EESPIG label from the French government, and its business school is triple accredited with EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA accreditations. In addition, its tourism school is the first and only French school to be awarded UNWTO.Tedqual certification by the World Tourism Organization. Founded in 1931, the IEF is offering courses in French language and culture for students and business professionals. It holds the FLE Quality Label which is a guarantee of quality as regards the services offered.


in business: sales engineer, sales manager, export manager, project manager in marketing: product manager, merchandising manager, digital marketing manager, multimedia project manager in finance: management controller, asset manager, auditor, junior consultant, trader, financial director in logistics/purchasing: supply chain manager, purchasing manager, planning manager in human resources: human resources manager, recruitment manager, training manager, career management manager


January 2024 (B1 required) and September 2024 to June 2025

  • September


  • October


  • November


  • December


  • January


  • February


  • March


  • April


  • May


  • June



Total Number of Hours Hours of French Classes Hours Science / Methodology Classes Duration Months
402 270 132 / Management, Business, English 8 months
FEES of the Classes Internationales

5650 € for a semester (B1 required), 8000 € for a full academic year.

Bachelor in Tourism Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) Master in Management
Y1 9200 € 12400 € 14000 €
Y2 9350 € 12400 € 14000 €
Y3 9750 € 12400 € 14000 €
Y4 X 12400 € 15100 €
Y5 X X 15100 €
Grand total 36300 € 57600 € 80200 €

Candidates who already have an attested B1 level in French can join with the first intake in January 2024, after getting admission.

ACCOMMODATION: Residence on campus

Minimum attested proficiency level in French language: A2. Complete beginners can progress up to A2 within the network of the Alliances françaises in India before joining the program. Candidates who already have an attested B1 level in French can join with the first intake in January 2024, after getting admission.