University studies / Sciences

Université de Franche-Comté - CLACity: Bourgogne Franche Comté, Besançon


National Licence diploma in Science & Technology (mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, engineering) / University bachelor’s in technology (BUT), CTI accredited equivalent to a national Licence diploma.


Ranked in the top 5 per cent of a census of 20,000 higher education establishments in the world, the University of Franche-Comté has climbed to 1041st place (QS), and is recognised for the quality of the courses it offers and the research it conducts, for the quality of its teaching and research. The CLA is a University unit specialised in language teaching, training for FFL teachers, expertise in language teaching and educational cooperation. CLA is renowned the world over for its expertise in teaching French as a foreign language (FLE), teacher training and pedagogical engineering.

It also offers foreign language courses (German, English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French as a foreign language, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, etc.) in the form of evening classes and intensive courses. It is also an accredited centre that prepares students for entrance examinations to the grandes écoles, as well as national and international certifications and tests in English, German, Spanish and FLE. CLA can provide French language training for foreign students and prepare them to enter university. It offers individualised support to help build a training programme tailored to the needs of international students.


management and engineering studies, research and development, operating chemical or pharmaceutical production equipment, technical sales representative, project manager, laboratory technician, quality auditor and manager, assistant engineer, maintenance technician, maintenance manager, maintenance workshop manager, maintenance team leader, logistician, operations or manufacturing manager, design manager, network administrator, IT asset manager, IT developer, database administrator, information systems architect, network administrator, product owner, SEO specialist, digital communications manager, project manager, product owner, UX designer, SEO specialist, web copywriter, community manager, analytics consultant, art director, interactive designer, web UI designer, motion designer, audiovisual director for the web, computer graphics designer, game designer, web integrator, front-end developer, back-end developer, full-stack developer, digital scenography professions, virtual reality device integrator, energy manager, HVAC engineering, design and production of prototypes, control procedures, Manufacturing manager, Automated systems installation and maintenance manager, Renewable energies Methods technician, Senior automation technician, Planning manager, Metrology control manager, Product manager, Mechanical design draughtsman,Mechanical product designer


September 2024 – May 2025

  • September


  • October


  • November


  • December


  • January


  • February


  • March


  • April


  • May



Total Number of Hours Hours of French Classes Hours Science / Methodology Classes Duration Months
600 400 200 9 months
FEES of the Classes Internationales

5470 € / year

Licence in engineering sciences BUT (University Bachelor’s in Technology)
Year 1 2700 € 2700 €
Year 2 2700 € 2700 €
Year 3 2700 € 2700 €
Grand Total 13570 € 13570 €

ACCOMMODATION: Residence available on campus

Minimum attested proficiency level in French language: A2. Complete beginners can progress up to A2 within the network of the Alliances françaises in India before joining the program.